puritanism and christianity is probably a main cause: the church has used sexual taboos as an instrument If the chatholic church is be-
of social power. coming lenient about contraceptives, it is still ABSOLUTELY INTOLERANT about any deviation from nor- mal psychosexual life, that is, copulation in mar- riage. A fourth explanation is psychological; the oppression of minorities satisfies one's need for feeling superior. Furthermore, man is always quick in condenming others doing what he himself does not dare to do or admit he would like to do. The man who does not admit that a part of himself is fem- inine or tender will be the first to reject trans- vestism in others. Even the most broad-minded people today, although they may admit that they have no objection to minorities getting together, will never offer their collaboration in HELPING these get-to- gether and contacts. In other words, society does not feel obliged to help all these desperate, lonely TVs and others, who suffer psychologically for years and are much more in need of mutual contacts and friendships than of a free psychoanalysis.
In the third chapter the author is compassion- ate for lonely people but he says that this loneli- ness can easily be prevented by establishing proper contact with somebody whose psychosexual instincts have developed in an opposite direction. For every saddist there is a masochist, for every male TV there is a female TV, etc. He regrets that legis- lature does not ENCOURAGE contacts, publications as La Plume, etc. Sexologists are condemned for qual- ifying perverts as sick, psychopathic persons. The moral judgment on deviates is the same in modern textbooks of sexology as 2000 years ago in the Bible. The paper by a Swedish electroencephalographist who claims of having detected "abnormalities" in TVs is considered another example of pseudo-scientific morality, since EEG are often abnormal in the gen- eral population and that author did not have proper controls. The chapter is concluded with the sen- tence: "Deviations offer great possibilities for